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A variable is a word that stores a number. This word must always start with an ampersand & symbol. The number must be in the range −2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647. There is a limit of 249 local and global variables active at any given time.

Each variable must be declared to some extent, and variables can have several mathematical operations performed on them. While variables can only store numbers, sometimes these numbers have a type with a deeper meaning.

Local variables

A local variable can only be read and changed by the active script. This is very useful for temporary values that other scripts don't need to use. To declare a local variable, you use the int keyword followed by the variable name.

Here's a quick example:

void main(void)
    int &variable = 5;
    say("I am &variable years old!", 1);

Note: A script cannot define a local variable with the same name as a global variable. Any attempt to do so results in the local variable being ignored and the global variable being used instead.

< 1.08

A local variable name cannot be a global variable's name with a suffix. For example, if a script tries to declare a local variable &goldguard, no local variable is created. Instead, all references to &goldguard are treated as references to the global variable &gold.


The above limitation does not apply in 1.08 and FreeDink - A variable name can be a global variable's name with a suffix.

Global variables

A global variable can be read and changed by every script. This is very useful for values that you want to remember all of the time, like Dink's gold amount. To declare a global variable, you must use the make_global_int() function in main.c.

// Excerpt from main.c
void main()
    make_global_int("&strength", 3);
    // ...

All global variables are automatically saved and loaded in save game files.

For an example of using non-required global variables, see Plot.

Required global variables

There are several global variables that are required by the Dink engine. These variables must be declared in main.c. If they are not declared, the game may randomly crash.

&cur_magicThe magic slot the player currently has selected.
&cur_weaponThe inventory slot the player currently has selected.
&defenseThe player's defense.
&enemy_spriteThe last known active sprite to attack something. In the case of missiles, will store the player sprite (1).
&expThe player's experience.
&goldThe player's gold.
&last_textThe active sprite number of the most recently created text sprite.
&levelThe player's level.
&lifeThe player's current life (hitpoints).
&lifemaxThe player's maximum life (hitpoints).
&magicThe player's magic.
&magic_costDetermines how long it takes to fill up the magic meter. Values less than 100 may crash the game.
&missile_targetThe last known target to be hit by a missile.
&missle_sourceThe last known active sprite to attack something. In the case of missiles, will store the missile's sprite. And yes, missle is spelled incorrectly.
&player_mapThe current map screen number. The screen will not change unless load_screen() and draw_screen() are called.
&resultThe result of a choice statement or wait_for_button().
&strengthThe player's strength.
&update_statusIf set to 1, the status bar will be updated.
&visionThe current vision. Reset to 0 every time a new screen is loaded, and only has an effect if changed in the base script of a screen.

Previously, it was thought that the &speed and &timing variables were also required, but they are not used by the Dink engine.

&missle_source behaviour

< 1.08

&missle_source will store and hold the last missile to hit something. It will not store any other sprite that attacks.


&missle_source is accurate to the description in the table above.

Pseudo variables

There are also several fake variables which aren't declared as local or global. It is not possible to change these variables, only retrieve their value.

&arg1The first argument passed to a procedure.
&arg2The second argument passed to a procedure.
&arg3The third argument passed to a procedure.
&arg4The fourth argument passed to a procedure.
&arg5The fifth argument passed to a procedure.
&arg6The sixth argument passed to a procedure.
&arg7The seventh argument passed to a procedure.
&arg8The eighth argument passed to a procedure.
&arg9The ninth argument passed to a procedure.
&current_scriptThe script number of the currently executing script.
&current_spriteThe active sprite number attached to the current script.
&returnThe last known return value from a function or procedure.
&savegameinfoRepresents the line of information describing a save game. Only valid in choice statements.

&arg4 - &arg9 inconsistency in FreeDink 109.6 on Linux

109.6 Linux

Note that FreeDink 109.6 on Linux can have issues when calling procedures that pass more than 3 arguments. When &arg4 - &arg9 are not specified in a procedure call, rather than defaulting to '0', they will pass the last known value(for that respective argument number) that was previously passed to a procedure. This can be rectified by passing 0's for those arguments, instead of leaving them unspecified.


There are several mathematical operations you can perform on variables. Each operation must have the following syntax:

&variable <operation> <value>;

&variable is a variable name, operation is one of the operations below, and value is a number, another variable, or an internal function.

=Sets the variable equal to the value.
+=Adds the value to the variable.
-=Subtracts the value from the variable.
/=Divides the variable by the value. Supported in 1.08+.
/Divides the variable by the value.
*=Multiplies the variable by the value. Supported in 1.08+.
*Multiplies the variable by the value.

Unlike almost any other scripting or programming language ever created, DinkC does not support any special math processing. That means if you want to do something like this:

&life += ((&level + 1) / 2;

You have to split it off into single statements, like this:

&temp = &level;
&temp += 1;
&temp /= 2;
&life += &temp;

Also note that you can insert variable names in most internal function that accept string input (like say() and say_stop()). Each variable will be displayed as the number it represents.

say("You have &life life points, Dink.", &current_sprite);

This might cause the current sprite to say something like "You have 15 life points, Dink."

Variable types

Now, besides storing plain numbers, variables can be used to store several different types of numbers used internally by the Dink engine.

Editor spriteA sprite placed in a map editor. Useful to save editor_seq() and editor_frame() information.1-99
Active spriteA sprite that is currently on the screen. It will usually be different from the editor sprite number.1-299
MapA map screen1-768
Sound numberA sound loaded using load_sound().1-99
SoundbankA currently playing sound.1-20
Script numberA currently executing script.1-199

Special variables

There are a few special variables that refer to specific aspects of the Dink engine.

The active sprite number 1 will always refer to the player.

// This will cause Dink to say "Hi."
say_stop("Hi.", 1);

The active sprite number 1000 can only be used with script_attach(). Active sprite 1000 isn't a real sprite, but the Dink engine will make any scripts attached to it survive when the player changes screens.

Similarly the active sprite number 0 can only be used with script_attach(). Active sprite 0 isn't a real sprite either, and it can be used to force a script to terminate when the player changes screens.