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Prototypevoid activate_bow(void)

activate_bow() allows bow-type weapons to charge up. The animation is hard-coded to base 100, uses all 8 directions, and each direction uses 6 frames. As the function name implies, it is used almost exclusively for the bow.

//Extract from item-b1.c
void use(void)
    &mypower = get_last_bow_power();
    //create missile/arrow based on &mypower

If the ctrl key is already being pressed when activate_bow is issued (as must be the case in a weapon's use() procedure), the script is paused until the ctrl key is released. Dink can change his direction, but cannot move. During this time, a counter is quickly incremented based on how long the Ctrl key is held. In about one second, the counter reaches a ceiling value of 500. The script remains paused, but the counter is not incremented further. get_last_bow_power() then returns the value of the counter when the ctrl key is released and the script is allowed to continue.