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Prototypevoid enable_all_sprites(void)

enable_all_sprites() is supposed to enable all sprites after they have been disabled with disable_all_sprites() or sp_diabled(). This function does not work as intended.

Here is a nice work around that will accomplish the true intention of this command, and will enable all sprites instantly.

//there can be a maximum of 299 actve sprite numbers
//check every active sprite number for active sprites and enable them all
int &getsp = 1;
int &sprite_exist;
//check if a sprite exists with this active sprite number
&sprite_exist = sp_active(&getsp, -1);
if (&sprite_exist > 0)
    //this sprite exists - so enable it.
    sp_disabled(&getsp, 0);
if (&getsp < 299)
    //increment active sprite number '&getsp' and loop.
    &getsp += 1;
    goto loop;