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Prototypeint sp_touch_damage(int active_sprite, int touch_damage)

sp_touch_damage() sets the touch_damage value for the active_sprite. The touch_damage value is 0 by default.

If touch_damage is positive and the player touches the active_sprite's hardbox, it will cause up to touch_damage damage every 400 milliseconds (see sp_notouch()) and the active_sprite's touch() procedure will be executed.

Note that if touch_damage is set to -1 and the player touches the active_sprite's hardbox, the active_sprite's touch() procedure will be executed but no damage will be dealt. Due to an oversight in the engine, this touch() procedure could be executed many, many times a second. It is almost always a good idea to set touch_damage to 0 in the touch procedure and wait a few hundred milliseconds before setting it back to -1.

// Dink steps on a fish
void main(void)
    sp_touch_damage(&current_sprite, -1);

void touch(void)
    // Disable touching
    sp_touch_damage(&current_sprite, 0);
    say("I'm stepping on a fish!", 1);
    // Re-enable touching
    sp_touch_damage(&current_sprite, -1);

The oversight mentioned above can also be useful to determine when Dink has stepped off the fish:
// Dink steps on and off a fish.
void main(void)
    sp_touch_damage(&current_sprite, -1);

void touch(void)
    // Don't disable touching here.
    say("I'm stepping on a fish!", 1);
    //A wait here will make it so the touch procedure won't go any further until Dink is no longer touching the sprite.
    //this works because the touch procedure will keep being called, starting it over, until he steps off.
    say("I've trampled that poor fish for long enough, I think.", 1);