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Prototypevoid load_game(int slot)

load_game() loads the save game with the filename in SAVEslot.DAT. The save game must exist in the D-Mod's directory. All variables and other pertinent information are replaced with the values in the save game file.

A D-Mod normally has, or at least has access to, three load_game() commands:

  1. start-2.c, which drives the "Continue" button or its counterpart on the D-Mod's opening screen.
  2. escape.c, run when the player presses the escape key.
  3. dinfo.c, Dink's die() procedure.

All running scripts are cancelled by load_game(). Period, even if the load fails. It is unclear what happens in that case, but the script that did the load_game() does not continue running no matter what. Use game_exist first so that a failed load can be anticipated and prevented.

As stated, all currently-running scripts are cancelled by load_game(), but these are started to replace them:

  1. The base script for the &player_map screen
  2. All the main() procedures of all the scripts attached to any sprite on the screen
  3. The disarm() and then the arm() procedures for Dink's currently armed weapon and/or magic, if any.